Enef 2014
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Partneri DANFOSS www.ASENEM.sk www.MEEN.sk World Energy Council ZPOE AEE SSTP Energy centre SIEA ASPEK Primaclima Stefe Weishaupt Viessmann ADRIAN GROUP Elgas INTECH REMESLO STAVMAT D.A.L.I. – M.N. SK-BIOM ČSSE-ISES 1.	Slovenská rada pre zelené budovy ATP JOURNAL IDB JOURNAL PRO-ENERGY STAVEBNIK E-OBCE ENERGETIKA SAB EKO bývanie TOP trendy Internetový portál ENERGIA komplexne a vecne 21. storočie Komunálna a priemyselná energetika Technika Solar technika ECO technika TZB Kenergie-portal.sk odpady-portal.sk epv.sk CVTTi thermosolar ABB

Basic Information

Annual Volume: 11th
Term of the Conference: October 7th - 9th, 2014

Title of the event:

"Reasonable Energy Use through Advanced Techniques, Technologies and Energy Saving Measures"

Conference Venue: Hotel LUX Banská
Bystrica, Slovakia

The eleventh annual conference "enef" builds on previous successful anniversary one, that derived on its twenty-year history of this interesting and among energy professionals from industrial and municipal sphere very popular event. Every other year organized conference allows its participants always to bring the latest trends and knowledge of energy efficiency and renewable energy resources exploitation.

The aim of this year´s conference is based on the conclusions of the last World Energy Congress to contribute to the enhancement of proffesional knowledge to ensure efficient and sustainable energy sector and achievement of competitive environment. This will ensure sustainable, secure, reliable and efficient supply of energy products at affordable prices with sufficient protection of consumer and environment. The conference is a place with a unique opportunity of active acquisition and exchange of information at the international level.

Conference Topics:

Introductory Plenary Session

1. Energy Efficiency, Energy Services and Support Tools in Practice
2. Energy Efficiency of Cooling Circuits

3. Solar Energy in Synergy with Other Resources and Forms of Energy
4. Energy and Technologically Advanced Buildings
5. Smart Metering, Smart Grids and Electromobility
6. Conventional and Alternative Biomass Resources and their Use within Energy Sector
7. Environment and Energy Use of Secondary Resources and Raw Materials

Organizing Committee of the Conference:

Miroslav Kučera, ASENEM Bratislava
Marian Rutšek, RFC, s.r.o., Banská Bystrica
Ján Mesík - MEEN, Banská Bystrica
Tomáš Jančařík, THERMO|SOLAR Žiar s.r.o., Žiar nad Hronom
Milan Kozický, PRIMACLIMA, a.s., Nitra
Michal Krajčík, AEE slovenská pobočka
Marcel Lauko, Energy Centre Bratislava
Milan Novák, THERMO|SOLAR Žiar s.r.o., Žiar nad Hronom
Dušan Petráš, SSTP
Jozef Šoltés, Národná energetická spoločnosť, a.s., Banská Bystrica
Jozef Viglaský, Technická univerzita vo Zvolene
Albín Zsebik, BME, Technická univerzita Budapest

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